Understanding ClipFiles

ClipFiles are derivative, physical assets (in the form of .MP4 files) that are automatically generated in the cloud upon the creation of a new Clip in CUBE365. These MP4 ClipFiles can be used for sharing in any social network (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) as 'native videos' which have the advantage of automatically playing, typically muted, as a follower scrolls through a live feed.  Typically, native video posts get served more often by social networks (i.e., they get much higher 'impressions') get much higher rates of engagement--because of the intrinsically compelling nature of video as a medium.

ClipFiles can be downloaded by any Member (or Manager) of an account.  They can be used as assets in downstream video production workflows (e.g., using Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro) or embedded directly into a webpage.

When a Clip is created in Video with a Premium (human-generated) transcript, by default the ClipFile will feature 'burned subtitles' (i.e., subtext, or closed captions in the form of words at the bottom of the video)--in the language of the Clip.  In that case, the creator of the Clip (and their collaborators) have the option of also generating the same Clip without burned subtitles, as explained below.

When a Clip is created in a Video with a Standard (AI-generated) transcript, the ClipFile is (and can only be) generated without burned subtitles.  If the transcript of a Clip's source Video is subsequently upgraded to a Premium (Human-generated) version, then the Clip will automatically be regenerated to include burned subtitles--in addition to the original ClipFile without subtitles.

ClipFiles are created and stored in the cloud--and may take several minutes, or longer, to generate, depending on the length of the Clip and other factors.  While a ClipFile is being generated, a green cycling icon will appear over the MP4 button in the Clip Editor.

To view and download a ClipFile, do the following:

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