Recently Clipped Videos

Recently Clipped Videos is the repository of every clip a user has made, sorted by how recently a clip was made from an individual video.

On the user's home page, Recently Clipped Videos will appear in the center of the screen, above the Videos Ready to Clip, and will display thumbnails for the six most recent videos which any user has clipped. The most recently clipped videos will appear on the left and move to the right as clips from other videos are made. The icon of any user who has made a clip in that specific video will appear whenever a cursor hovers over that thumbnail. When a private clip is made, the thumbnail will move to the most recently clipped, but that user's icon will not be displayed unless it is your own account that made the clip.

When the Show More button is pressed, the user is taken to a search page of the 30 most recently clipped videos. The Show More page acts as any other search page on CUBE365. All clipped videos will be able to be filtered by the standard and advanced search filters. The most recently clipped video thumbnail appears at the top with the rest descending in order of most recently clipped. Pressing "more results" below the filters will add the next 30 most recently clipped videos to the search.

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